Tuesday 24 May 2022

2 weeks to ILCAD, International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) campaign and launch conference 9 June 2022

Trespass and Suicide Prevention – 1st edition, 8 June 2022 Denver (CO), USA

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International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) is a worldwide initiative to improve awareness of level crossing safety. Since 2009 the campaign has been spearheaded by UIC, the worldwide railway organisation, with the support of the railway community around the world.

Around 50 countries usually take part in the ILCAD annual campaign.
A partner country hosts the launch event each year, offering an opportunity to share good practices and projects to improve safety and reduce the incident toll.
This conference attracts railway industry representatives, road authorities, academics, and many others from around the world who are working to raise awareness of the dangers surrounding level crossings.

In 2022 the international conference to launch the 14th ILCAD campaign will be hosted by the Association of American Railroads (AAR), the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI) on 9 June in Denver, Colorado (USA), preceded for the first time by a special session on trespass and suicide prevention on 8 June.

During the Covid-19 pandemic most countries experienced an increase in inappropriate behaviour by pedestrians, cyclists and vulnerable people both at level crossings and on and around railway tracks, resulting in a corresponding increase in near misses. Consequently, the ILCAD host countries decided to focus the messaging this year on vulnerable people with the slogan: “Don’t put your life at risk, stay away from tracks!”.

Several posters and videos in English, French, Spanish and German were issued with level crossing safety and trespass prevention awareness messages.

We would like to thank #INFRABEL for sharing this video “Unfinished stories, Charlotte’s story in French that we translated in English and Spanish.

Follow us, next week and in two weeks, three other videos and other posters (available in English, Spanish, French and German) will be released. Should you wish to join the campaign and use our communication supports please contact us quickly.

It is also still possible to register to the conference: https://ilcad.org/ilcad/launch-conference

#ilcad #UICRail #saferlc #restrail #olinational #AAR_freightrail #USDOT_FRA #education #awareness #TrespassSuicidePrevention

For further information, please contact Isabelle Fonverne, Senior Safety Advisor at: fonverne at uic.org and visit https://uic.org/safety/trespass-and-suicide-prevention/

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