Tuesday 18 October 2022

Launch of the Rail HOF Digital Platform

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Today the RAIL HOF (Human and Organisational Factors) Digital Platform will be launched by UIC and its members, with the support and active collaboration of ERA (the European Agency for Railways). The launch will be taking place at the International Railway Safety Council - IRSC 2022 in Seville.

This new platform has 3 components:

  • a LinkedIn page, to develop the HOF expert community and increase visibility (https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/rail-hof/)
  • a secure space to manage events and create a forum to share working documents
  • a website that serves as an entry point to access relevant information according to the needs and level of HOF expertise and experience (https://railhof.org/).

This website is organised around a homepage that runs as follows:

  • a “Welcome” page
  • a “Join us” section where you can join the LinkedIn page and secure area
  • a “What is HOF?” section with HOF definitions and FAQs
  • and finally, a “Resources” page which offers around 30 HOF topics classified into 4 sections: enhancing safety management; HOF regulations, standards, and tools, human performance, and HOFs in practice.

Each HOF topic includes a railway specific explanation and links to relevant HOF approaches or models. Links, scientific articles, and operational experiences are also provided. These experiences are produced by members in order to share good practices, problems, typical incidents, training courses and tools developed in HOF in their company.

RAIL HOF is THE new place for the European and international railway community to share, discuss, and advise on HOF knowledge, with the aim of helping every organisation to increase safety and performance, through applying HOF good & best practices, including the “driving change” and “learning” methods.

RAIL HOF is the result of close collaboration between UIC, ERA, and its members to support the rail community in raising awareness and concretely implementing HOF.

A user-centre approach has guided us throughout the development of this new platform. A platform designed by the members, for the members.

We invite you to log in and explore!

For further information, please contact Virginie Papillault, Human & Organisational Factors and Safety Culture Manager at: papillault at uic.org

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