Wednesday 24 November 2021

UIC and the Harmotrack management team are pleased to invite you to the fourth Harmotrack project plenary meeting

Join us on 2 December 2021 at UIC headquarters or online and on 3 December for technical visits with SNCF Réseau in the Paris region

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The UIC Harmotrack project brings together more than 200 international railway experts from more than 70 railway companies and academic institutions across the globe. Led by SNCF Réseau, the Harmotrack project aims to:

  • provide an international benchmark for measurement techniques for dynamic responses (acceleration and forces) to monitor track quality;
  • define the domain of use for acceleration measurements and device specifications;
  • define reliable indicators of track quality (increased vigilance, interventions or slowdowns) based on accelerations for improved network maintenance and simulation;
  • contribute to enhancing safety and reducing costs on all networks by prioritising correction of track geometry defects, focusing on those with the most dangerous potential impact on vehicle dynamics;
  • propose future international standards or technical recommendations on the use of dynamic measurements.

The plenary meeting will include a round table discussion with directors and CEOs from various railway companies and institutions across the globe. The morning round table discussions will be open to the public and the high-level speakers will discuss the following topics:

  • Round table 1: Railway maintenance and predictive maintenance
  • Round table 2: Importance of railway digitalisation and data analysis of autonomous systems
  • Round table 3: Harmonisation of global practices: the key to fostering railway sector development

Please note that attendance at the afternoon session is open to Harmotrack members only.

Parallel technical visits are will also be held at SNCF’s facilities on the second day of the meeting (3 December). The technical visits will be open to the public. However, due to health restrictions, limited places are available and priority will be given to Harmotrack project members.

The technical visits include:

  • SNCF Réseau – IRIS320 (high-speed measuring train)
  • SNCF Réseau – Centre d’Essais Voie (CEV) – track test centre
  • SNCF Voyageurs – Agence d’Essai Ferroviaire (AEF) – railway test agency
  • SNCF Réseau – Laboratoire d’Expertises Métallurgiques (LEM) – metallurgic expert assessment laboratory

For more information on the programme, please visit the event page.

For further information please contact Danilo Sorrentino, Head of Vehicle-Track interaction at SNCF Réseau danilo.sorrentino at or the Harmotrack Management Team harmotrack at

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