Tuesday 26 July 2022

UIC call for Chair, Vice-Chair and members of the UIC Safety Platform “Safety Performance Group”

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On 5 July 2022, current Safety Performance Group Chair Bart Hoogcarspel (ProRail) informed the UIC Safety Platform Steering Group of his resignation as SPG Chair, to take effect from the UIC Safety Platform plenary meeting scheduled for 17 November 2022.

The Chair of the UIC Safety Platform, Ali Chegini and the Steering Committee members thanked Bart for his very valuable contribution to the works.

During the Covid-19 period, the Safety Performance Group has continued its work, albeit at a slightly slower pace as concerns future challenges. Consequently, new members would be most welcome to enable us to respond to the worldwide development of data-driven ways of working and improving railway safety.

UIC is issuing today:

  • A call for Chair/Vice-Chair
  • A call for Members

1. Chair of the WG

a. Profile
Each UIC Active Member is entitled to apply for the position of Chair (and Vice-Chair), both of whose terms of office run for two years. Each term of office may be renewed once for the same period, i.e. two years.

Candidates are:

  • UIC Active Members,
  • specialists in railway safety data, statistics, data visualisation and the relationship between safety barriers and (significant) accidents,
  • holders of a senior position,
  • fluent in English,
  • able to commit the time, besides their other organisational duties, to play an active role in the WG
    • required to understand and take into account all safety-related strategic aspects in the context of UIC’s global approach,
    • prepared to participate in Safety Platform Plenary and Steering Committee meetings and, when required, in other meetings.

b. Role
The Chair presides over the Safety Performance Group and the Group of Safety Database Correspondents sessions, in collaboration with the UIC Safety Unit staff member(s) in charge of coordinating the WG and the management of the Safety Database. In this capacity, he/she vouches for the reliability of the technical information emanating from the UIC Safety area and leads the collaborative work in order to produce value-added deliverables for UIC Members.

The Chair shall:

  • represent the WG in the Safety Platform (Plenary and Steering Committee),
  • preside over the WG sessions and actively coordinate their activities and priorities,
  • validate the minutes of these meetings,
  • draw up the agendas in collaboration with the UIC Safety Unit staff member coordinating the WG,
  • validate the yearly public and confidential UIC Safety database reports,
  • validate an online safety database dashboard (to be created).

The Vice-Chair shall

  • meet the same conditions as the Chair (see a. and b.)
  • support the Chair in his/her role and take over his/her tasks, as described above, in the case of the Chair’s absence.

2. Members of the WG

a. Profile
Candidates are:

  • UIC Active Members,
  • specialists in railway safety data, statistics, data visualisation and the relationship between safety barriers and (significant) accidents,
  • conversant in English,
  • able to commit the time, besides their other organisational duties, to play an active role in the WG.

b. Role

  • Members shall bring their expertise in the WG’s field of activity and shall support the Chair and Vice-Chair in the WG’s work and help produce value-added deliverables for UIC Members.

Applications to become the Chair, Vice-Chair or member of the WG should be accompanied by a short description of the candidate’s career and professional experience to date and should be sent by email to UIC henon at uic.org and fonverne at uic.org by 1 October 2022.

More information on SPG

Public safety report 2021

For further information please contact Isabelle Fonverne, Senior Safety Advisor: fonverne at uic.org

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Bart Hoogcarspel, Policy advisor and data analyst at ProRail and actual Chair of the UIC Safety Performance Group