FIP group


The Group for International Travel Facilities for Railway Staff (FIP Group) is a special group within the International Union of Railways (UIC) and as such an UIC institution as defined by article 4.2 and by article 10.2.b of the UIC Statutes.

Its purpose is to set out the rules, pursuant to which the members grant each other staff travel facilities for duty and private journeys, with the aim of simplifying, harmonising, and organising in an efficient manner the procedures involved.


Mr. Thomas Leeb
ÖBB-Business Competence Center GmbH
Lassallestraße 5, 1020 Vienna
Email: thomas.leeb at

Secretary General
Mr Martin Pecina
ÖBB-Business Competence Center GmbH
Lassallestraße 5, 1020 Vienna
Email: martin.pecina at

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Tuesday 18 June 2024